How to Survive
How to Eat
- Step 1: Move food to mouth.
- Step 2: Press E to engulf the food.
- Step 1: Get rock or sharp stick.
- Step 2: Violently bang said rock or sharp stick against an animal such as a frog, tiger, or scorpion.
- Step 3: Keep violently banging until food appears.
- Step 1: Get rock.
- Step 2: Get the coconut (green things on ground).
- Step 3: Smash them together.
- Step 4: Smash the brown part of the coconut that comes out.
- Step 1: Find 5 wood.
- Step 2: Put 5 wood together.
- Step 3: Find 2 rock.
- Step 4: Pound 2 rock together near 5 stick together.
- Step 5: Enjoy fire.
- Step 1: Kill thing.
- Step 2: Take things bone.
- Step 3: Take things fat.
- Step 4: Put things bone and fat together.
- Step 5: Put bone and fat torch near fire.
Build House
- Step 1: Find cool rock.
- Step 2: Find a small tree.
- Step 3: Bash small tree with cool rock.
- Step 4: Take small spear things.
- Step 5: Stab 4 small spear things in ground.
- Step 6: Grab some more spear things.
- Step 7: Hit new spear things against the upright spear things with a rock, and ensure the spear thing is parallel to the ground as a frame to place the floor.
- Step 8: Ensure the parallel spear thing is stuck to the upright spear.
- Step 9: Repeat with all sides until a nice square forms.
- Step 10: Find big tree and smash into logs.
- Step 11: Smash logs into planks.
- Step 12: Go to the square and place planks on top of parallel plank and hit with rock to secure it.
- Step 13: Repeat until a floor starts to form.
- Step 14: Ensure the floor does not collapse.
- Step 15: Go on top of floor with more planks.
- Step 16: Place plank parallel against upright spear to form wall.
- Step 17: Smash parallel plank against spear with rock to make wall.
- Step 18: Repeat until desired wall is achieved.
- Step 19: Try the floor thing but with a ceiling.
- Step 20: Don’t die.
Spear Hunting
- Step 1: Grab rock.
- Step 2: Cut thin bamboo looking tree with rock.
- Step 3: Take cut bamboo looking thing and put it in your hand like a spear.
- Step 4: Lightly graze something with it and watch as you steal its life-force alternate step 4: violently shank the creature until it disintegrates.
- step 5: see how to harvest meat.
This is the greatest guide ever.
this is just a very nice and funny guide, really enjoyed reading that lol