Frequently Asked Questions About Co-Op
The game starts with just one character, what do I do as a non-host player?
The first companions that you will be able to control are available in the first 15-20 minutes of the story. Be patient and witness the story until the Lord-captain meets them, or join when the Lord Captain has already found them.
Later on, you will be able to create your own character via the mercenary system if you don’t want to play the standard companions.
Additional content compatibility problem
Currently, the game requires the player with the minimal additional content to be the host, otherwise the game won’t launch, signalling about lack of DLCs. This includes the preorder packs such as Deluxe, Voidfarer or Founder’s, which makes it a bit inconvenient.
We are addressing this in the nearest patch: the host will always share all their DLCs automatically once the change is live. Until the patch is live, workaround is the host needs to simply turn off the excess DLCs in Steam interface by removing the checkers in Properties -> Additional content.
Creating custom characters in co-op
Once you are through the prologue and have access to the bridge, It is possible to create custom companions via Janris Danrock, your High Factotum. This is a great way to give your friends their own fully customized characters to play.
Unfortunately, shortly before the launch, we discovered a serious desync issue with this feature, so temporarily, you will have to save a game, load it by the player who wants to create a character, create the character, then save the game and host a multiplayer game from that save.
In one of the nearest patches we will address it, and you will be able to do it normally, directly from multiplayer session.
Co-op on console
Not available at launch, however, we plan to add it later.
It is currently possible to play on PC between Steam, GOG and EGS in any combination, using the server ID.
Mac will only connect to Mac, with the following additional limitations:
- Mac Steam will only connect to Mac GOG if GOG was launched directly without GOG Galaxy.
- Mac Steam will not connect to Mac EGS or GOG launched through GOG Galaxy.
- Mac EGS will connect to Mac GOG only if GOG was launched through GOG Galaxy.
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