Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 – Volkite Tips

Volkite Tips and Impressions

By DDNappaTheProducer”PumpkinKing”.

Current Volkite Impressions and gen notes. Max Relic/ammo Variant.

  1. Very Very poor contested health gen (worse then bolt pistol, no where near plasma).
  2. Stun is caused by discharge, atm maybe equal to bolt pistol, no where near the 1 shot needed for plasma pistol.
  3. The “Rate of Thermal damager for 30% for 2 sec perks” are fairly useful to use after the gunstrike. No icon to show the buff so this can be hard to read. This brought ammo needed to proc explosions on another target down around 30-35. Proccing the 30% thermal buff by gunstriking minoras seems to be effective (NEW).
  4. If 2 volkite users focus an extremis they seem to get stun locked by the repeated explosions. (just ravanger/lictor atm, need to check on chaos).
  5. Gunstrike Aoe is really good stagger but doesn’t kill like plasma.
  6. 100% accuracy is really nice for spore and vine killing. Just tap fire to remove vines, saves ammo.
  7. The heat on Lictor means you can find it easily even when invisible.
  8. Atm my fav perk setup is top row+20%ammo+20%thermal damage from bottom. I wasn’t seeing the effects of the Relic perks. Will have to revist for sake of being thorough.
  9. 781rds +130 in the clip on Volkite is quit nice (relic ammo variant+20% ammo perk, uneffected by Heavy’s ammo perk).
  10. The final perk in bottom row (25% thermal damage from explosion) does not work from gunstrike nor does gunstrike trigger any built up heat.
  11. Tacticals Scan increases the beam damage but not how quickly the explosion happens.
  12. If you shoot minoras aim for their heads at all cost. Though body shots give you an execute if needed, very ammo costly to finish with body shots. Noticed tapping a minoras head that is already in executes is enough.
  13. Increased damage doesn’t trigger Thermal Explosion any faster. Ammo variant with +20 thermal damage perk can pop on a warrior at 40 ammo.
  14. It takes 1 second for the heat built up to start decreasing.
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1791 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.

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