The First Descendant – Ultimate Bunny All-Rounder Farming / Bossing Builds

Ultimate Bunny All-Rounder Farming / Bossing Builds (6 Catalysts + 1 Energy Activator)

MP Farming Build

Standard MP based farming build, run around kill stuff and hope you get enough MP to keep your 2nd ability running. Psychological victory helps to increase MP recovery by abit. Electric charge augment helps to do extra damage to elites, just jump on them while shooting.

Bossing Build / Void Intercept Build Hardmode Viable

This is my go-to build for hard mode infiltrations/amphrous farming as well as it clears the boss at the end faster compared to my farming build.

HP Farming Build

HP Based farming build, Bionic fuel causes your 2nd ability to consume HP instead of MP. I only suggest using the HP Farming build when you are farming in a group/w pubs and speed running short farming missions. This build decreases your survivability by a ton, but it allows you to permanently sprint on 2nd skill to run through the mission. (FYI: Bionic fuel stops consuming your HP when your HP hits the 15% mark but still allows you to keep using your 2nd skill).

Reactor Substats

Ideally the substats you want are either Skill Effect Range, Singular Skill Power Boost Ratio or Electric Power Boost Ratio. Ignore the dimension skill power boost ratio substat on my left reactor, I haven found a decent reactor that gives range and another ideal substat.

I prefer going for skill effect range in farming scenarios and mostly only go for Singular/Electric skill power in void intercepts as the High Voltage Augment naturally increases your 3rd ability range.


Why do you not build any crit on your Ultimate Bunny?

Bunny only has a 10% base skill crit rate along with low power modifiers. Compared to other characters like Lepic & Viessa, they have slightly higher crit rates and way higher power modifiers, which justifies building crit on them due to the amount of burst potential they have. Bunny is NOT a burst type of character in my opinion; she is a character who excels at ad clearing, and I intend to play to her strengths with my builds.

You may argue that her 3rd ability applies 4 instances of damage (contact damage and 3x electrocution procs) in 1 hit, which increases the chance of critting, but honestly, you do not need that much damage. Most ads at hard mode already die in 1-2 hits without crits, so adding crit feels kind of overkill and unnecessary.

Instead of building crit, I’d rather spend the module capacity on increasing Bunny’s HP & DEF stats to make her tankier in void intercept battles and certain scenarios.

Do you really need that much range?

Most people use Bunny to run quick farming missions like sterile land ambush point, void shards farming, exp/Kuiper/gold farming at various maps, etc. By having more range, you can clear these farming missions faster as you do not need to run to the end points of the map to clear every corner.

Can your builds loop Bunny’s 3rd skill?

Yes, all my builds have enough duration/cooldowns to loop Bunny’s 3rd skill. You do not even need to roll a cooldown substat on your reactor.

Why HP Collector & Autoimmunity on Bossing/Void intercept build?

As I’ve said before, Bunny excels at ad clearing. So if you want to play Bunny in Void intercept battles, your job is to stay alive, clear the ads, and shoot the boss’s weak points at the same time. By having HP Collector, you are almost unkillable because you can just farm the ads spawned by the boss for HP. The 7% HP recovery bonus for health pickups and 10% damage reduction from Autoimmunity further enhance this effect, which is really nice.

Why is your Electric Charge not maxed in the MP Farming Build?

There’s no point in maxing it, as it does not increase the damage whatsoever other than reducing the mod capacity needed. Just save the gold and Kuiper instead.

Why Electric Charge and not Electric Condense in MP Farming build?

Electric Condense is more of a burst-type mod, and you’ll hardly find any situation to use it properly while farming because your 3rd ability already clears all the ads. Furthermore, your ultimate has a 30-second cooldown, thus the uptime is unreliable compared to your 3rd skill. In my opinion, it’s better to just run and double jump around to do damage when farming, thus Electric Charge is better as it enhances your double jump passive damage.

You mentioned that Bunny is not a burst-type character, but Electric Condense causes Bunny’s ult to have a 2k skill modifier damage.

Yes, Electric Condense does make her ultimate become a skill with a 2k skill power modifier, but this is still far inferior compared to Lepic & Viessa. Can Bunny shoot a 2k skill power modifier skill 5-6 times or have super-fast 3-5 second cooldowns like Lepic & Viessa? No, it has a 30-second cooldown and can only be shot once. This is basically 1/5 the burst of the other two characters I’ve compared it to. Bunny is really not a burst-type character in my opinion; she is just far better at clearing ads and doing standard farming.

But I want to speedrun Devourer hard mode and kill him in under 20 seconds!

Don’t use my build then. My build is solely for survivability and ad clearing, not DPS maximizing. Most of the DPS I dish out in void intercepts is from my weapons, and I’ve cleared all the hard mode bosses up to the last one using my Bunny build.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1791 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.

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