The ‘important armour mods’ section is just to show you what mods play a role in the build and the ones that are in the dim build but not in the section are filler.
For the weapon perks I will be representing them as [3rd Column Perk] / [4th Column Perk].
Solar Build: Celestial Goldy
Exotic Armour:
- Celestial Nighthawk: it turns your marksman golden gun into a single-shot golden gun and one of the best burst dmg supers in the game.
- Knock ‘Em Down: when radiant, powered melee kills fully refund your melee ability.
- On Your Mark: the improved reload speed and handlin is nice but it’s really only taken for more fragment slots in most cases.
- Ember of Searing: creates a firesprite when you kill a scorched enemy.
- Ember of Mercy: picking up a firesprite grant restoration x1.
- Ember of Torches: hitting an enemy with a powered melee grants radiant to you and your nearby allies.
- Ember of Empyrean: solar weapon or ability kills extends restoration and radiant timer (cannot exceed max duration).
- Ember of Solace: increases the maximum duration of radiant and restoration buff.
- Super: Marksman Golden Gun – highest dmg golden gun with and without celestial. golden gun deals more dmg while radiant is active.
- Melee: Knife Trick – applies most scorch stacks
- Grenade: healing grenade – easy and reliable source of restoration.
- Class ability: gamblers dodge
Important Armour Mods:
- Helmet: elemental siphon
- Gauntlets: heavy handed and impact induction
- Chest: resist mods (make sure to use one that matches the activity threat)
- Legs: 2x solar surge and recuperation
- Cloak: reaper, time dilation
Use a solar weapon that you can use for primarily ad clear, preferably one with incandescent and easily get precision kills with. Some good options available to you are:
- Pre Astyanax IV (from vanguard – archers tempo / incan)
- Luna’s Howl (from onslaught – heal clip / incan)
- Retraced Path (from dares of eternity – subsistence (sub) / incan)
- BxR Battler (from dares of eternity – demolitionist (aka demo) / incan)
- Sunshot (world drop)
Kinetic slots weapons are much more varied in what is good for pretty much anything. The generally good kinetic slot weapons for every build that isn’t using a specific kinetic slot weapon are:
- Pardon Our Dust (from dares of eternity – auto-loading holster (alh) / demo)
- The Mountaintop (from onslaught – alh / recombination (recom)
- The Supremacy (from last wish – rewind rounds (rewind) / kinetic tremors)
- Any Fusion Rifle with Chill Clip
- Izanagi’s Burden (for dmg rotations)
- Arbalest (for content with barrier champions or annoying vex things with the rotating shield)
For your heavy weapons, Apex Predator (from last wish – reconstruction (recon) / bait and switch (bns)) is the weapon you should chase after if you don’t have the pattern yet. Edge Transit (from onslaught – envious, alh or cascade / bns) is better for strictly dps and you can always swap loadouts with void weapon surges instead but it’s harder to get the ideal roll of it then getting the pattern for apex imo but you might also be farming for Luna’s Howl at the same time so it’s not that bad. Hothead, Crux Termination and Wendigo GL3 are good weapons to have whenever there is an arc surge. Whisper of the Worm is also good so if you want to shoot the gun and get decent dmg then whisper is an option, at least until you get apex or edge. The same with 1k Voices and Leviathan’s Breath.
Build Alternatives:
If you want to use Gunpowder Gamble instead of On Your Mark that’s completely fine, just remove ember of solace and keep the other fragments. When you get radiant orbs from the artifact, if you don’t have it already, you could remove ember of torches and keep solace in its place.
DIM Link:
Void Build: Orpheus Tether
Exotic Armour:
- Orpheus Rig: fire your super into a group of ads, kill the ads and watch your super bar go up to 50% in seconds.
- Vanishing Step: easiest access to invis.
- Trapper’s ambush: another source of invis and provides invis to teammates which is really useful.
- Echo of Persistence: increases invis and devour duration.
- Echo of Obscurity: a third source of invis.
- Echo of Starvation: grants devour on orb pickup.
- Echo of Undermining: applies a 15% debuff to enemies hit with your grenade.
- Super: shadowshot deadfall
- Melee: snare bomb – you are only using it for trappers ambush or to weaken a boss
- Grenade: vortex grenade
- Class Ability: gambler’s dodge
Important Armour Mods:
- Helmet: heavy ammo finder, [element matching your main ad clear weapon] siphon
- Gauntlets: firepower, bolstering detonation
- Chest: resist mods
- Legs: recuperation, [2x weapon surge mod matching your main weapon if it is the same as your heavy, if not then one weapon surge mod for both]
- Cloak: reaper, time dilation
The same kinetic slot weapons as celestial goldy but with some new additions:
- Wishender
- Outbreak Perfected
Here are some good exotics:
- Le Monarque
- Sunshot
- Graviton Lance
The heavy weapons are the same tbh, just ensure that you are covering all, or at least most, of the champion types present in whatever activity you are playing and you will need to make sacrifices to your loadout to do so.
DIM Link:
Arc Build: Liars
Exotic Armour:
- Liar’s Handshake: receiving or dealing melee dmg grants the ‘cross counter’ buff, giving 200% increased melee dmg for your next melee within 3 seconds. If the one-two punch is used for the cross counter melee the dmg buff is decreased to 80%, but with the one-two punch dmg buff also active it is a total of 260% increased melee dmg, any other dmg buff..
- Lethal Current: jolts enemies with your first melee after dodging and blinds jolted enemies if you hit them with another melee.
- Flow State: defeating a jolted enemy makes you amplified and while amplified you gain 200% additional class ability regen, 50+ reload speed and 0.8x reload animation multiplier.
- Spark of Feedback: after receiving melee dmg, you gain 75% increased melee dmg for the next melee hit within 5 seconds.
- Spark of Resistance: while within 15 metres of at least 3 enemies you gain 25% dmg resist.
- Spark of Shock: your grenade now jolts enemies.
- Spark of Amplitude: while amplified, scoring 2 kills with anything creates an orb of power.
- Super: gathering storm.
- Melee: combination blow – powered melee kills completely refunds you class ability energy, grants a small amount of health and combination blow x1 stacking up to x3. combination blow stacks grants increasing melee dmg as you get more stacks, 60% | 156% | 309%.
- Grenade: pulse grenade – the best arc grenade.
- Class Ability: marksman dodge – to fully refund your powered melee ability (combination blow).
Important Armour Mods:
- Helmet: hands on, dynamo
- Gauntlets: 3x heavy handed
- Chest: resist mods
- Legs: recuperation
- Cloak: distribution, special ammo finisher
Any rapid-fire or lightweight frame shotgun with the perk one-two punch (aka 12p) and Tractor Cannon, nothing else matters that much but you could use the remaining weapon for long range enemies that you can’t punch or for stunning champions.
Some good one-two punch shotguns are:
- Wastelander (from dares of eternity – lead from gold (lfg) / 12p)
- Swordbreaker (from crota’s end – slideshot or threat detector / 12p
- Xenoclast (from vanguard legacy focusing – grave robber or lfg / 12p)
- Dead Weight (from gambit – grave robber or lfg / 12p)
Gameplay Breakdown:
Get a powered melee kill, dodge to get powered melee back, get another powered melee kill to increase combination blow stacks and get dodge back, repeat until everything is dead.
DIM Link:
I sincerely hope this was helpful. Good luck to you!
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